Team Foxtrot
David And Odette Kelsey
Odette and myself own and run a construction company on the south coast of England.
We have been part of the rally family since 2013 and have been involved in numerous events and activities, these have been very rewarding emotionally and financially to both the charity and us.
We had no prior contact with the military, but now count lots of serving and ex military as close friends.
We have both seen the tireless work that SSAFA are involved in and agree that there is no better charity to be involved with.
This will be our third rally and as always we will be taking out trusted TVR Cerbera.
Our personal aim to smash our fundraising total again this year.
The cost of this driving challenge is funded entirely by Odette and myself. This means that every penny donated to our Virgin Money Giving Page goes directly to SSAFA. Please help us to achieve the overall target of £100k for this worthy cause and charity.
Thank you for your support.


Stuart Stinson,
Landscape Gardener and car enthusiast, I’ve been part of the Rally For Heroes family for the last couple of years and took part in the 2016 rally and many fund raisers/car shows.
The last rally was fantastic and I did this in a Maserati Granturismo.
This year I’ll be taking a souped up 5.0 Mustang. I didn’t have a military connection before I came across the Rally but now we have lots of serving friends and I can’t think of a better charity to be a part of.

Ford Mustang GT
Hi, I'm Mike and my Co-Driver is Darren Aylesbury.
I have had the pleasure of participating in two of the Rallies in 2012 and 2016, and fund raising for 2014, the previous rallies I was accompanied
by my son Matthew, who unfortunately will not be my wing man this year.
He has now been given more responsibility in the running of our company, and time for both away this year is not an option.
This year will be even better with 10 Countries in 10 days, looking at the journey ahead the scenery will be even more breath taking.
Fund raising for SSAFA has been a very rewarding and its justification as being the oldest charity for our armed service men and women.
As part of the Rally for Heroes family "possibly one of the more senior participating members" age has no boundaries as the mind very active for the fund raising and competiveness.
Although I have never had the privilege of being part of our National Services, I have many friends past and present that have served our Country, and this is what drives me to achieve the funds they deserve.
To any person that reads this may think its a jolly for the Boy's and Girl's', it is ,but also very demanding as this year again we will be traveling in access of 3000 miles,
based on 5 miles for every Service person that sacrificed their lives during the conflict in Afghanistan.
So PLEASE donate with your heart followed by your wallet.
Thanking you all in advance for your support of myself and Team Mike, and not forgetting 'Roary Junior' follow his antics on his face book page The adventures of Roary Jnr a SSAFA mascot.
My Virgin Money Giving Page

Paul Spencer and Steve Nelder
I first came into contact with Rally for Heroes at Wings and Wheels at Dunsfold in 2012. I was very impressed with what they had just accomplished regarding their European Rally and the amount of money they had raised for Military Charities. I decided there and then that I would like to take part in the next Rally in 2014. Driving routes through 11 European Countries and over challenging Alpine Passes tested the skills and endurance of the drivers and reliability of the cars. Helping to raise collectively over £100k for Military Charities was my way of thanking our Armed Forces Personnel for what they do to protect us.
I did it all over again in 2016 and will be participating again in August 2018.
My co-driver for this year is Steve Nelder a friend and fellow petrol head.
Steve’s Story
I became aware of RfH’s through Paul when discussing our passion for touring trips with our various car clubs and immediately expressed a desire to participate and support such a worthwhile cause. I look upon this event as a personal challenge, not just from the driving aspect but also the raising of funds for SSAFA. I’m delighted to be given the opportunity to rise to the occasion. I’m so looking forward to what I am sure will be the best road trip I’ve ever done with the added significant bonus of supporting a most Worthwhile cause.
We both agree that supporting SSAFA is a very worthy cause. The concept is to drive 5 sponsored miles for each of the 456 fallen Service Men and Women from The Afghan Conflict. 10 countries, in 10 days approximately 3000 miles. SSAFA is the oldest Tri Military Charity in the country, dating from 1885 and founded by Major Gildea. SSAFA provides lifelong support for ANY service man or woman and their families, also to the families of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice whilst serving their country. The conflicts may be over, but the pain continues. All our service men and women require and deserve our continuing support.
The cost of this driving challenge is funded entirely by Steve and myself. This means that every penny donated to our Virgin Money Giving Page goes directly to SSAFA. Please help us to achieve the overall target of £100k for this worthy cause and charity.
Thank you for your support.
Paul Spencer and Steve Nelder

Aston Martin V12 Vantage S
Martin Dunphy/ Ava Dunphy
I took our son Eli (then only 11 years) on the rally for Hero’s back in 2014.
It was great experience, we met some salt of the earth people, (Jamie Hull being one)
saw some incredible scenery and raised much need funds for a great charity in SSAFA.
This time Ava our youngest daughter (13 years) is joining me to support SSAFA and to hang out with
Dad and is really looking forward to it. Her grand dad is a retired Colonel in the US Air force and
Understands the sacrifice made by the armed forces.
We will be riding in comfort and safety with our new Landrcuiser