Wight on The Island Another grand day for RFH stalwarts. Mike the Godfather Westaway is taking on Garrison Town,Tidworths Tesco and knowing Mike he and SSAFA won’t be beaten. Meanwhile on the Island fundraising continues apace. Teddy bear zip wire, Rat splatting and Viking re-enactments. The day started slowly but gradually gained momentum. For a change the weather elected to play ball with some sunshine. Good to see some rally veterans and The 23 Rail. Playing a new game who is Roary as his physique keeps changing. Thanks to all staff at Tesco’s and for Eileen and Claire for the Island do.No little birds have whispered in my shell like so I don’t know how much bees and honey swelled the SSAFA coffers. Watch this Space.

— with Eileen Breeze and 5 others in Cowes, Isle Of Wight, United Kingdom.w